

Hi everyone,

First of all, welcome! This is the first of many blog posts from Grain Free Wellness.
My website will be growing every week with new recipes and nutrition information.

For the past 8 years, I have baked primarily with almond flour and some coconut flour. Almond flour will be the primary ingredient in most of my baking recipes. It takes a little practice to work with this flour, but once you have mastered it, you won’t go back. Almond flour is perfect for those of you following the SCD or Paleo diet. There is no reason for almond flour to be limited to people with intestinal disease or people on special diets. Almond flour provides a healthy alternative to all people who are looking to avoid the processed foods that Americans eat today.

When I was still eating white flour products, I was one of those people with no shut off valve.
I could eat 7 or 8 cookies without batting an eye. I was very addicted to sugar and between the flour and sugar it was wreaking havoc on my body. One of the great things about almond flour is the high protein content. Because of the high protein content in almond flour, I found that I could eat one muffin and be very satisfied, instead of craving more sweets. Almond flour is more expensive than white flour, but I found that I was eating a lot less of my baked treats so the added cost all worked out.

For those of you battling intestinal diseases, almond flour is the answer to curbing your sweet tooth and it will help you gain some weight back if you are underweight. Because almonds enhance satiety, they are ideal for those looking to maintain or lose weight. Researchers have concluded that almonds’ heart-healthy monounsaturated fat helps to satisfy appetite and prevent overeating.

During the 1990’s, the medical community began to discover the health benefits of almonds; numerous studies now point to increasing almond intake as beneficial for stabilizing blood sugar, controlling appetite, preventing obesity and providing antioxidants as well as numerous other nutrients. Such studies tout almonds as a heart-healthy food.

Unlike its high-glycemic wheat and rice flour counterparts, the high protein content of almond flour makes it an optimal ingredient for stabilizing blood sugar. It is ideal fare for diabetics and those who experience difficulty metabolizing sugar.

Comparison of Nutritional Values of Almond Flour versus other Flours

Nutritional Info Protein Carbohydrates Glycemic Index Fiber
Almond Flour 21.94g 19.44g <1 10.4g
Wheat Flour 9.71g 76.22g 71 2.4g
Rice Flour 5.95g 80.13g 98 2.4g

** You can find ordering information for almond flour under my recipe link.

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